Broughton Hall Catholic High School - Christmas / January Arrangements

Christmas / January Arrangements

Dear Parents/ Carers,

I am writing to inform you of some details regarding the finish to this term and arrangements for the start of term in January.

On Friday 17th December all pupils will be finishing school at 12:15pm. This is our traditional early finish for the Christmas the break.

On Tuesday January 4th 2022, in line with Government guidance, pupils will not be required to attend school for lessons. They will only be required to attend school to take part in the Lateral Flow Testing we are completing for every pupil who has given consent. I would ask parents to fill in the link sent for consent earlier today. All pupils will then return to school at staggered times on Wednesday 5th January.

Tuesday 4th January

8:45am - 12:00 Testing available for pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9

1pm - 3pm Testing available for pupils in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13

Wednesday 5th January

Pupils will return to school in line with the schedule below.

8:40am        Year 7 - Sports Hall
                      Year 11 - Dance Drama
                      Year 12 - Form Classes
                      Year 13 - To arrive for 1st taught lesson

9:15am        Year 8 - Sports Hall
                      Year 10 - Dance Drama

9:40am        Year 9 - Dance Drama

I understand this may cause some inconvenience for parents and pupils but we have been asked to support the testing on pupils return to school.

Yours faithfully,
G. Preston
Mr G. Preston - Head Teacher

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