School PE kit
Students should take pride in meeting our school's high standards of presentation. PE kit is part of the school uniform and the following items of PE kit are compulsory unless indicated otherwise and can be purchased from any of our uniform suppliers: Trutex, Laser Schoolwear, Lisa's Schoolwear and West Derby Schoolwear. The items listed below are permitted for PE and Dance lessons only:
Polo t-shirt (compulsory)

Navy with pastel blue piping and Broughton Hall badge
Purchased from: Broughton Hall uniform supplier.

Three options of bottoms:
- Shorts
- Leggings
- Tracksuit bottoms (Compulsory to have at least one)
Navy with reflective piping *** No other leggings are permitted, e.g., Nike/New Balance etc.
Purchased from: Broughton Hall uniform supplier.

Three options of socks:
- PE socks - Navy with pastel blue piping/grey sole
- White sport socks/ankle socks (a small logo is allowed - see image)
- Invisible socks - Any colour socks as they are invisible and cannot be seen (Compulsory to have at least one)
Purchased from:
- Broughton Hall uniform supplier
- Any clothing retailers: Sports Direct, JD, Tesco, ASDA etc.
Tracksuit Jacket

Tracksuit jacket (optional but advised for winter months)
Navy with reflective piping and the Broughton Hall badge.
Purchased from: Broughton Hall uniform supplier.
Any coloured sensible lace up shoe can be worn for PE lessons. Pupils must bear in mind that they will be using a number of spaces in PE, e.g., the field/courts throughout the autumn/winter and spring seasons and therefore appropriate footwear is of high importance.
Additionally, when in the changing facilities roll-on deodorant is suggested as aerosols are prohibited due to a lack of air circulation to reduce the risk of a) those with asthma struggling with irritation of the airways and b) setting the fire alarms off.