Edulink One - Communication tool
At Broughton Hall our communication tool with Parents and Students is Edulink One.
This can be accessed via an app or a web based portal. The app can be downloaded via the App store on your mobile phone. Attached are user guides which will help you set up your parent account and once your child has started in Year 7 they will be given their own student user name and password.
Once you have your own parental account (only parents with 'Parental Responsibility' will have a parental account) you can manage your child's / children's data.
All parents will have already been sent their individual log in details. If you can log in and complete all your child's ethnic, language, permission and religion details. We also ask for at least 3 emergency contact details. The guidance sheet for adding contact details will explain how to pick your child and amend details under their name.
If you already have a child at Broughton Hall your new starter will be showing within the same account.
Any issues with Edulink please contact Mrs Abraham
Help Guides
Download the Edulink App
Here at Broughton Hall Catholic High School we are delighted to welcome you to our school community and look forward to building strong, positive relationships with pupils and parents. Strong home school relationships are vital to the success of every pupil at Broughton Hall and were identified by OFSTED in our recent inspection as a strength of our school when they commented that 'Pupils, and students in the sixth form, are proud to be part of Broughton Hall Catholic High School. Pupils enjoy strong relationships with their teachers and pastoral staff'. By working together, we enable our pupils to achieve their potential.
Founded by the Sisters of Mercy, Broughton Hall Catholic High School is committed to the teaching of Gospel values and respect for one another, which permeate the life of the school. We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our pupils so that they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.
We are excited to meet you and delighted that you chose Broughton Hall for the next stage of your academic journey. There will be a parent meeting (date to be confirmed) where you will meet our leadership team and find out more about our school and our expectations.
Transition from primary to secondary school is a big step in the lives of our young people and we want to reassure you that we are here to support and guide you throughout the process. There will be a number of transition events to help smooth that process.Next steps
Now that you have received your offer of a place please confirm this by sending a short email to Please visit our website for further information about our school and details of upcoming events will be published here and communicated to you. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Contact the school on 0151 541 9440 and ask for Beth Games, our admissions officer, who will be happy to advise and guide you as you prepare for the transition from primary to secondary.
Reading presentation from welcome evening
We use the NGRT test to identify where intervention in reading may be needed, and then we monitor impact and progress made. The intervention programme we use is Ruth Miskin's Fresh Start Read, Write Inc programme which is a phonic based approach which encourages rapid progress in reading ability. For more details and to watch a more informative presentation please see link below.