Broughton Hall Catholic High School - Sixth Form

Sixth Form

Welcome to Broughton Hall Sixth Form

We are proud of our students at Sixth Form and enjoy celebrating their successes alongside them. We provide a challenging and fulfilling Sixth Form experience, developing high aspirations to fulfil their potential and achieve the qualifications needed for their future ambitions.

We are a caring and supportive Sixth Form, reflecting the Catholic Ethos and the work of our founders the Sisters of Mercy. It is our aim to provide the best educational opportunities, both academically, and in the wider sense of developing the whole person.

UCAS Portal>>

The UCAS portal link for students and parents to easily access important information about higher education and the UCAS application process.Through simple and intuitive navigation, it's easy for users to increase their knowledge of the information and advice UCAS has to offer. The content will be reviewed regularly by UCAS so it remains up-to-date and relevant.

Transition Work 2024

Sixth Form Handbook

Sixth Form Admission Policy

Our Uniform


16 - 19 Study Programmes

Intent - Our curriculum in sixth form is designed with each individual in mind. The 16-19 study programme consists of a coherent and appropriately challenged curriculum that enables our students to achieve and aids progression. It includes qualification and non-qualification activity and is reviewed with students during sixth form to ensure the programme continues to meet their needs.

The 16-19 Study Programme.
  • Academic or vocational qualifications
  • English language or maths where students do not hold a GCSE graded 4 or above in that subject by 16.
  • Religious and Values Education
  • Enrichment - that develops the character, skills, attitudes and confidence of students.
  • Work Experience - that develop employability skills and relate to students' study programme or career aspirations.
  • PSHE and Tutorial

Impact - Our curriculum is reviewed annually to ensure our provision meets the needs of our learners. 16-19 Study programmes are evaluated to ensure outcomes are positive and desired destinations achieved.

Entry Criteria

Students wishing to study at Sixth Form must achieve GCSE grades 4 or above in at least 5 subjects. Each subject has their own entry requirements which are reviewed annually. This information can be found on the option blocks form. Students will study Maths and English language at Level 2 if a grade 4 or above was not achieved at GCSE.


In Sixth Form, we recognise the importance for students to develop independent learning and to experience a range of teaching and learning styles. Teaching of some courses in years 12 and 13 are shared with other collaborative schools and in particular Cardinal Heenan. This allows greater course provision and flexibility of subject combinations.

Our table below indicates the Broughton Hall course provision offered for 2024. Please note that our option blocks and curriculum provision are subject to change, reflecting the needs of our students.

How we support you

Monitoring and Intervention

Sixth Form intervention monitors student performance. Data is entered by teachers periodically and shared with students and parents. Teaching staff make a judgement using assessments, internal examinations, class work and homework and give a projected and current grade. Judgement is made against each students' target grade with interventions made when underperformance is identified.

Progress Tutors help "mentor" students in their form and help implement plans for underperforming students devised by subject areas and the Sixth Form Team. If a student is identified as below target they must engage in necessary intervention plans. These can include, supervised study, attend afterschool sessions, repeat assessments, additional lesson attendance.

Pastoral Support/ Tutorial Time

Students receive a 20 minute tutorial each morning with their Progress Tutor. This provides students with an opportunity to discuss their progress, develop study skills and talk about their future aspirations. Progress Tutors pass on many opportunities that may benefit the students and develop their employability skills.

Careers Guidance

A coherent careers programme is available to sixth form students and this can be accessed on the careers area here.

Financial Support (Bursary)

The Education Funding Agency (EFA) has introduced a Bursary Fund scheme. The aim of the fund is to support students who face genuine financial difficulties when continuing their studies. The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a limited fund. It is administered by the school and granted at the discretion of the school. We will prioritise allocation according to personal circumstances and household income. The level of support which the school can offer is dependent on the total funding received from the EFA and the number of applications it receives. For more information on eligibility, please download our Bursary information sheet. If you think you may be eligible for some financial support please download and return the necessary application form below. If you would like to discuss any of this further, you may contact our Sixth Form Support Manager on 0151 235 1552.

Study Area

Our study area is open daily from 8:30am - 4:30pm and our students work in the study area during any non-contact time. We have a full time Study Supervisor, Gary Aster, who manages the study area and provides students with additional support including 1:1 tutorial, EPQ delivery, help with personal statements and proof reading work

Student Leadership / Senior Prefect Team

At the end of Year 12, students have an opportunity to apply for a position of leadership that they will undertake in Year 13.

The Student Leadership Team is made up of a Head Girl, Deputy Head Girl, Head Prefect, Deputy Head Prefect, Head of Student Council and Deputy Head of Student council. They form the heart of our student voice and uphold the highest standards that are expected for excellent achievement.

Our Senior Prefects work within year teams and help assist with daily duties and the smooth running of the school. All of these students are a visible presence around school and role models our younger students can aspire to.

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