School Meals
Breakfast: 8.00am to 8.20am
We provide a free breakfast for all pupils in Years 7-11 from 8.00am to 8.20am in the main canteen. Toast, crumpets and hash browns are served each day along with a cup of tea or hot chocolate (3 items per pupil). Fruit (watermelon, honeydew melon and orange slices) is also available free of charge.
Break 11.00am to 11.20am
Toast, sausages and hash browns are served daily with tea or hot chocolate and Danish pastries served a couple of times a week at a small cost for pupils. Year 10 are served in the McAuley and Year 11 in the Canteen.
12.20pm to 1.00pm - Lunch A - Years 7, 8, 10 and 12
1:20pm - 2:00pm - Lunch B - Years 9, 11 and 13
The catering team provide a range of meals to suit all tastes, with a hot main meal and vegetarian alternative. Also available daily are pizza slices, Panini sandwiches, jacket potatoes with various fillings, hot chicken wraps and pasta with a selection of sauces. Sandwiches, wraps, salads and pasta salads are available as a deli option. A selection of drinks and home baked cakes and biscuits are available each days as well as a selection of fresh fruit and fruit pots. The team are able to cater to individual dietary requirements.
Allergen Labelling
Broughton Hall Catholic High School complies with the UK Food Information Amendment, known as Natasha's Law. Full ingredients labelling, including allergens, is on prepared and packed food that is served or sold in school. Our catering team are fully allergen trained and work closely with pupils who have allergens.
Cashless Catering System
We operate a cashless system for all pupils and parents/ carers can add funds to their daughter's lunch account via Parent Pay: We contact home each week if a pupil falls into arrears on their account and every effort is made to support and recover outstanding money.
Free Meal
If your daughter is eligible for free school meals, £2.30 will be credited to her lunch account each day. With this she is able to purchase a meal and a small water or carton drink, or a meal and a cake slice. If your daughter wishes to purchase additional items or food at break time, then parents/ carers can add funds via their Parent Pay account. Registering for free school meals brings additional funding into school. See below for how to register for free school meals.
We source local produce where possible and although we strive to maintain consistency in our menus, occasionally supply chain problems may require alternative items to be offered.

Free School Meals
Your daughter could be eligible for free school meals if you or your partner receive one of the following qualifying benefit:- Universal Credit - your household earned annual income must be less than £7,400 after tax and not including any benefits
- Income Support
- Income based Job Seeker's Allowance
- Income related Employment Support Allowance
- Support under part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guaranteed part of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit - with no Working Tax Credit and your annual household income is no more than £16,190 as assessed by the Inland Revenue
Liverpool City Council - Free School Meals Flyer
Further information for Knowsley residents -