Broughton Hall Catholic High School - Broughton Hall World Cup 2022

⚽ Broughton Hall World Cup ⚽

Broughton Hall World Cup 2022

The sounds of excitement, teamwork and perseverance echoed from the sports hall at Broughton Hall. Across three days the PE Department held our very own World Cup for our KS3 pupils.

The pupils had the opportunity to gain knowledge about the competition and how The World Cup provides an opportunity for countries all over the world to share sporting moments together. Each form where assigned a different country to represent and compete for the title.

Whilst playing several matches the pupils should willingness, positive attitudes and behaviours and all should be proud of their achievements.

However, there were trophies and titles to be won and the results were as followed:

Winning Form and Country Golden Boot Player of the Tournament
Year 7 7JMC Australia Hollie A
Year 8 8SCA Poland Frances T
Year 9 9SHA Uruguay Madison J

Broughton Hall World Cup Broughton Hall World Cup Broughton Hall World Cup Broughton Hall World Cup Broughton Hall World Cup Broughton Hall World Cup Broughton Hall World Cup Broughton Hall World Cup
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