A look back at Summer School 2021
Summer School 2021 was a fantastic success this year. We welcomed 136 of our Year 7 cohort so many of our students who were joining us in September. Each day was jam packed ed with fun engaging activities that enabled students to learn new things as well as become familiar with their new surrounding and make new friends. It was a pleasure to welcome you into our Broughton Hall Family.
Creativity has been at the heart of the activities as well as wellbeing and making new friendships. The Broughton Hall Sixth formers have been exemplary role models for our new Year 7 students. They were a constant presence not just in taking students to lessons, staying with them and supporting them in their activities.
Creativity has been at the heart of the activities as well as wellbeing and making new friendships. The Broughton Hall Sixth formers have been exemplary role models for our new Year 7 students. They were a constant presence not just in taking students to lessons, staying with them and supporting them in their activities.
Theme of our Summer School was SPACE
Monday: Space -Outer Space and beyondTuesday: Environment -Our Space, Our world
Wednesday: Well-being-My Space, My headspace
Thursday: Space-To infinity and Beyond!
Friday: Cultural Diversity-Let's celebrate God's world
Literacy: Creative writing. A journey in a rocket! Students had a look at an extract from their novel, Trash by Andy Mulligan - a text they will study in year 7.
Numeracy: Using space as a theme calculations on galaxies, stars years months.
Move and Groove: Chance to dance and move as well as badminton and dodge ball.
Treasure Hunt: Opportunity for a fun way of becoming familiar with surroundings fun fact and meeting people along the way with some prizes.
Textiles: Students made a dream catcher and talked about hopes and dreams for the future at Broughton Hall.
Art: Students made their own piece of Art based on Space.
ICT: Students used Scratch and completed code breaking.
Music: Created own piece of Music and used Instruments to complete a Samba piece.
Yoga: Well Being and Head space. Students did a Yoga and meditation in the grounds of School.
Wellbeing-based activities (such as team building or getting to know you exercises) Liverpool Mental Health CAHMS teams came in to deliver sessions on the support they can provide as well as a focus on healthy social media behaviour.
LFC inspires transition programme Communication/Team building/Resilience/Kindness in the community.
New Year 7 students said:
I liked a lot but my favourite is probably Art
I loved everything about it! I can't wait for September!
Meeting new people and seeing the school and how the classrooms would look and seeing the teachers.
My daughter really gained a lot from Summer School. Her fears of getting lost and making friends were gone by day 1! She enjoyed all of the activities especially making her dream catcher, literacy and Spanish sessions. We can now spend summer without any worries about September and focus on a brand new start.